Reddit Is Crap
Reddit is everything wrong with humanity in one place. Because if you’re a behaviorally, emotionally, and psychologically mature adult along with not being a complete dumb*** then the site will disgust you in almost every way.

95% of redditors are miserable and hollow people inside. If you try to make a joke that’s not as stupid as most redditors, you quite literally get insulted and bullied because apparently your joke is “shitty” and is a “shitpost”. It’s funny because those same people then go on to say that they actually do have a sense of humor…which is why you insult other people for expressing theirs? What great, funny, and loving human beings you are! I hope you’re now beginning to understand how mentally ill these people are. 95% of redditors are drooling idiots. Almost no real, constructive, two-sided discussions happen on reddit as dissenting opinions usually get downvoted to hell and then basically hidden. People on reddit just aren’t smart enough to consider and think about another person’s point of view. The entire site is just one big circlejerk. 95% of the moderators are mentally stuck at the age of 5. Many of them ban users by twisting and manipulating the rules of the subreddit to justify their actions. Many of them ban people for simply having an opinion they dont like. The mods on r/unpopularopinion for example, are some of the most crooked and evil people on reddit. Reddit is no longer the front page of the internet. It has censored too many things and deleted too many subreddits to not be trying to be mainstream anymore with the likes of twitter. In other words, reddit is slowly losing its identity. I cant say that im sad, the people there and the site itself can go fk off for all i care. Almost no one on the site has the mental capacity to understand that the downvote feature is used for downright trolling/very low-effort content/spam etc. The majority of people will downvote you on the site because they disagree with you and dont like your post. It’s kind of f**d up to think about, but a lot of the time if your post is downvoted you should actually take pride in it. Because more often than not it means that you were the one actually using your brain and not following the hive mind of the site like almost everyone else. If i could describe the average redditor to you it would be: stupid, behaviorally and emotionally immature, hostile, selfish, and miserable. Reddit is toxic. Stay away from it and the useless heap of flesh organs and bone that contributes to it.
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